Saturday, April 08, 2006


Kerry Disputes Jesus Christ's Approval of Several Bush Policies

Speaking yesterday to a political conference organized by his friend Al Sharpton, Senator John Kerry said that he believed "deeply in my faith" and that the Koran, the Torah, the Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles had influenced a social conscience that he exercised in politics. "I will tell you, nowhere in there, nowhere, not in one page, not in one phrase uttered and reported by the Lord Jesus Christ, can you find anything that suggests that there is a virtue in cutting children from Medicaid and taking money from the poor and giving it to the rich," Mr. Kerry said.

Our religion consultant, Dr. Keith Davison, confirms that Kerry is correct, in that there is no mention in the Bible of Medicare or the Federal income tax, although Jesus did disapprove of money changers, who may have done some of that. Taking money that is. Dr. Davison also noted that Mr. Kerry "won't find many words of Jesus in the Acts of the Apostles!". He was unable to confirm regarding the Koran or the Torah.

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