Thursday, February 09, 2006


Global Warming a Hoax?

Michael Crichton's new book, "State of Fear", has won the prestigious annual journalism award from the American Association of Petroleum Geologists. The book dismisses global warming as an imaginary threat which some scientists are using to their own ends. This premise has the support of Senator James Inhofe of Oklahoma, chairman of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, who calls global warming "the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people."

The communications director of the association conceded that the book was fiction, but noted that "it has the absolute ring of truth".

Followup: A new book relates that in a visit to the White House, Mr Crichton found that Mr. Bush had "avidly read" his book and was in near total agreement. The White House said this created a false impression of the President's views, noting that in several speeches he had acknowledged the need to confront global warming, while questioning the degree to which humans contribute to it.

While it will be difficult to "confront" the global warming not attributable to humans, we can help by cutting down more of those long suspected polluters, forests, and of course, there is always beano for the cows. Makes you wonder just how much polar bears, with that seal diet, are contributing to their own problem.

He also wrote about a dinosaur zoo, but then again, when I first saw it I thought raptors were going to eat me in the middle of the night. So I guess you can't blame the Senator.

Also, have you heard of Anne Rice's Jesus book? Where's the award from the pope for that one? I guess he's got a beef with her for the homoerotic vampires...
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