Saturday, February 11, 2006


Discovery Casts Serious Doubt on I.D. and SPM

Regular readers know the mission of this blog is to give you news analysis not available from big media, always with the Big Tent approach, accepting all beliefs and viewpoints. However, a fact has surfaced that casts serious doubt on the main tenants of both Intelligent Design and the Flying Spaghetti Monster, and we are obligated to report this, even if we lose readers.

No, it is not the hippopotamus. He might not be what you would design, but he looks cute enough to other hippos, and if you think about it, that is all that matters. It comes from an article in this week's Science Times about leeches. It turns out that there is a species of leech that lives only on the rear end of a hippo. "Say what?" you say. "Gowan Withcha" you say. No, it is true. Now if you will just suspend disbelief for a moment, you will see that this is really an outstanding arrangement. The hippo is in and out of the water all the time, and no one, believe me, no one, is going to bother you. Oh sure, if you see another hippo noticing how cute your hippo is, you might want to drop off for a while, but always in life you have to know when to hold em and when to fold em.

But back to the point. This leech's living arrangement. Now the I.D folks have to ask themselves, "who would have thought of that?"

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