Friday, November 04, 2005


Intelligent Falling Compared

It is not the purpose here to explain in detail the new theory of Intelligent Falling that refutes gravity as it is currently taught in our schools. For details see the full article in The Onion. Suffice to say that "falling" is believed to be inherent in the concept of "down" as it exists in the mind of a superior intelligence. Think about it.

The "law" of gravity is clearly open to challenge. We don't even have a "theory" or "hypothesis" of gravity, much less a law. The efforts of Newton, modified by Einstein, merely explain the effects of gravity, and offer nothing as to what it is, or how it works. They left that open to Lisa Randall and Raman Sundrum, an Indian guy she runs with. Their version of string theory came about as an effort to explain why gravity is such a weak force, the weakest of the natural forces. Right off, that shows how much she knows. Being so young and cute, she has yet to grasp the concepts of "sag" or "ouch". Dr. Randle is pictured to the left.

Be that as it may, in her model the universe may consist of a three dimensional "brane", imbedded in higher dimensions. Gravity is really on this other brane, separated from us by a fifth dimension, so when it gets here it is really weak. For ease of understanding, the fifth dimension is called the "bulk". Dr. Lisa, who is 43 and single and looks like Jodi Foster, allowed as how "It's not completely obvious what gravity is, fundamentally, or what dimensions are, fundamentally". Science Times (NYT).

Referring to the attack on her models by scientists with the Evangelical Center for Faith Based Reasoning, Laura Bush allowed as how there may be an element of sexism involved.

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