Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Drunkenness, Prison May Excuse Transitory Homosexual Tendencies
The Vatican document released Tuesday provided an exception to its ban on ordaining homosexuals as priests. Signed by Cardinal Zenon Brocholewski (pictured), the document stated that while they would not fool around with those with "deep-seated" tendencies, those with "transitory" tendencies could be ordained provided they were "overcome" for at least 3 years. In a Vatican Radio interview, the Cardinal gave several examples of what could be considered "transitory":
"For example, some curiosity during adolescence or accidental circumstances in a state of drunkenness, or particular circumstances like someone who was in prison for many years."
It was not clear whether that meant the candidate had to be out of prison for 3 years, or whether overcoming could take place during detention.