Monday, October 24, 2005
Just Wild About Harry
I am here to state
I'm here to relate
To explain and make it plain that:
I`m just wild about Harry
A lot of the criticism of Bush’s selection is unwarranted, at least if you consider the short list he had to pick from. The New York Times reported that the list included “mom”, “dad”, and “Barney” and just a few other close friends. Not that I think that any of them would not have made a fine justice, but particularly in Barney’s case, it would be better to start with an appointment to a lower court, to allay some of the criticism regarding experience.
However, you have to admit that Barney's record is clean. No duck hunting with the VP, and so on. He is just not that kind of dog. Likewise, I don’t buy the implication in Marine Dowd’s column where she says “What’s next? Caligula’s horse?” At least in that case, the whole horse went to the Senate. Certainly superior to the current practice.